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The following are a list of granted US patents that we are actively marketing for licensing.

We've listed each patent together with an overview of its function, as well as a link on our web site where you can obtain more detailed information about it. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.


The available patents are as follows:

  1. TV Remote Control Ad-Grabber (TV Ad-Grabber ):

    Looking to tap into the $60 Billion USA television advertising market? 

    TV Ad-Grabber™ offers an innovative niche into this lucrative and influential marketplace.

  2. The Internet Address Verification patent (I-AVS ):

    Looking for solutions to the growing wave of Identity Fraud on the Internet? 

    The Internet Address Verification System patent prevents the use of any stolen identities on the Internet.

  3. The Interactive Voice / Text Menu System patent (Touch-Tone Text):

    How many people have you heard complain about getting lost in a Touch-Tone phone's menu system?

    The Interactive Voice / Text Menu System patent offers a solution into this lucrative market.


  4. Method and system issue an electronic visa of a foreign visitor at a country's foreign consular premises (eVisa):

    Does the nation's border entry need to be secured?

    The e-Visa Issuing patent offers a solution this pressing challenge in today's dangerous world.


  5. Method and system to validate periodically the visa of a foreign visitor during the visitor's in-country stay (eVisa):

    Do you know who's within the nation's borders? Do you want to prevent overstays, both legal and illegal?

    The e-Visa Validation patent offers a a technically off-the-shelf solution this pressing challenge in today's dangerous world.


  6. System and method for a complete and convenient shopping experience (Shop-N-List):

    Have you ever forgotten to buy something that you regularly shop for?

    The Shop-N-List patent offers a solution, using commonly available technologies and standards, to overcome this common challenge.




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